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Group meetings

​BBG normally run 2 open meetings a year, one in April (with an AGM) and one in October, at which members and non-members alike are welcome.   


These meetings generally include an update on Group activities, an illustrated talk and, of course, a raffle and a chance to buy some badgery goodies.  And, of course, they are a great opportunity for badger friends from across the county to catch up!   We have been known to eat biscuits and even this exceptional cake made by one of our talented members!

Next meeting

Our next Public Meeting will be on Thursday, 17th April 2025.  We are delighted that wildlife photographer and longterm BBG member Dave Hammant will be joining us to talk about his observations of badgers (and other British wildlife), illustrated of course with his own photos.  We hope to see you on the night!  

There is no admission charge for our public meetings, which are open to non-members.  Doors open at 7:00pm and the meeting starts at 7:30pm. Meetings are held at the Farley Wood Centre, Turnpike Road, Binfield, RG42 1FW.

Farley Wood Centre

Turnpike Road


RG42 1FW 

Previous highlights

Our recent badgery meetings have included a range of excellent speakers.

We've heard from our new Wildlife Crime Officer for West Berkshire about how he can support us in protecting badgers. 

Our friend, Debbie White of the Oxfordshire Badger Group gave us an inspiring update on their Group's vaccination project and badger rescues. 

Cathy, a volunteer for the Barn Owl Group of the West Berkshire Countryside Society, fascinated us with tales of their work to protect the welfare of these beautiful birds and their special habitat in the Pang and Kennet Valleys

Malcolm Bennett of the University of Nottingham talked in April 2022 about the current trial which involves checking badger road traffic casualties for the presence or otherwise of bTB.  The trial is taking place in a range of 'edge' counties including Berkshire; these are counties that sit between the high and  low risk bTB areas.

Our very own John Fennell kept the whole room enthralled, talking all things badgery in a previous meeting.  Decades of observations at the Binfield sett have given him an expert understanding of badger lives and ecology which he generously shared with us, all brought to life with wonderful photos and videos. 

We all found a presentation by Duncan Fisher, Ecology Officer at Wokingham Borough Council, most useful.  Following the recent publication of the WBC Local Plan Update, he explained his challenging role in dealing with the main issues for wildlife in potential development areas. 

We’ve also had the pleasure of an illustrated talk by Brian Clews on Britain's mammals and the effects of increased development, a subject close to many of our hearts with so much Berkshire countryside disappearing under bricks and mortar! 

Nigel Palmer of Dr Brian May's wildlife charity Save Me gave a fascinating talk about Save Me's wide ranging work, including an overview of bTB eradication trials on a Devon cattle farm showing that bTB can be cleared without the need for killing any badgers.

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Our county's badgers are counting on YOU!

Binfield Badger Group is affiliated to the Badger Trust.

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© Binfield Badger Group 2019. All rights reserved.  Registered charity no. 1075886

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