Berkshire Brockcasting Clips - some of our recent favourites!
Trailcams offer an intimate and revealing view into the nocturnal lives of Berkshire's badgers and allow us to get to know the members of our local clan as individuals. Big Boar (known as 'BB') and Little Star have been our breeding boar and sow since 2018, bearing 2 cubs each year. Our lockdown cubs from 2020, Brow and Nobrow, are still resident at the sett in 2021. Far from maturing, they are often seen playing with the new 2021 cubs (yet to be named - any suggestions?).
We've selected a range of our most entertaining and informative clips and hope you enjoy them as much as we do!
Spring diary 2020
Our trail cams captured the story of the comings and goings at the Copse, Binfield, during Lockdown 1!
One night in Binfield
We have a happy clan in Binfield! Sit back & watch their antics from just one June night.