
It’s estimated that at least 50,000 badgers are killed on our roads nationally every year and the real figure may be much higher. In any event, the sight of a dead badger on the road is one we all see far too often.
Badger road casualties peak in February and March when young males explore unknown territory having been kicked out of their natal sett. But road deaths occur all year round as badgers keep on using centuries-old tracks, even where roads have been built across them!
Although the figures make for grim reading, we can reduce the number of badgers killed on Berkshire’s roads each year. Mitigation measures are possible, such as encouraging people to drive more slowly, including tunnels and 'green bridges' when new roads are built and the siting of wildlife hazard signs.
What you can do:
please slow down when driving at night and encourage your friends to do likewise. See the 'Give Badgers a Brake!' video at the bottom of the page, courtesy of The Badger Trust;
if you see a dead badger, report it to us with as accurate a location as you can. A National Grid Reference is ideal;
if you notice that the dead badger has very large teats, please tell us immediately. This is most likely to be between January and July and may be a lactating sow feeding cubs. Another sow in the home sett is unlikely to take over these duties;
if the badger is injured, please call for help immediately so that a rescue can be attempted . Please do not seek to rescue a wounded badger yourself, even if it appears unconscious; it may come round in the warmth of your car!

What we can do:
we’ll seek to rescue injured badgers;
we’ll move dead badgers out of sight, if possible, to give them dignity in death and to avoid advertising the possible location of a sett - not everyone loves badgers as we do;
We’ll collate records of RTAs, using the data you send us to help build a picture of badger distribution which can be helpful in assessing planning applications;
where a lactating sow is reported, we’ll visit the area as soon as possible to seek the home sett and identify whether there are orphaned cubs.